About Us

We are a friendly, local, community-based parish in the southside of Glasgow. Our mission is to declare the name of Jesus & share his gospel to Croftfoot & beyond.

The 5 G's


There is a God and he is good! He had no beginning and He will have no end. He is all knowing, everywhere present and all powerful. He created the heavens and the earth. He made each one of us in love and has put eternity in our hearts – a longing to be right with Him and to know Him as Father. We all want meaning; to know we are significant; to be accepted; to belong. We were made for relationship with God – He is our home.


The world knows much pain and confusion and sometimes we sense that within our own souls. Something is missing. There is a gap between us and God – we can lack a conscious awareness of His love and His acceptance. People try and fill the gap but all to no avail as only the Father’s love and His acceptance can satisfy.

Good News

Jesus – the Son of God – came into this world, took on the form of a human being, lived a life of love, died on a cross taking all wrongdoing, including yours and mine upon himself. He died as an innocent man, our substitute, paying the price for each one of us. He rose from the dead and has opened heaven to us. The Father’s heart is now wide open to each one of us.


God offers the gift of eternal life, forgiveness of wrongdoing, and friendship with him in this life. He offers us His fatherly care and peace beyond understanding. He calls us home to His heart – the place of belonging. As we ask Him to forgive us, we can then receive His gifts. This is like a new birth, a new hope, a new beginning, a new life – because it is! If you would like to begin a relationship with God, please click on the 'Get in Touch' button below.


God has given us the Bible and the help of His spirit to get to know Him better; to grow in relationship with Him; to know our purpose in life. We can pray to Him and learn with other Christians as we meet together. We have a new family. We have the sure hope of eternal life.
Charity Number SC009761​​website by 